/ March 2, 2019

Record 2007-2018 • Public 2019 • Release 2019 • Edition 2019 USC-TY-1903.0003 • Berlin School, Space Ambient USC Territory #3 - Immersion

To accomplish this mission, our colleagues from the USC label prepared a multifunctional ship that can not only go out into outer space, but also fly in rarefied atmospheres and also plunge under water. Through the portholes we will be able to observe the life of different environments, and hear their music through the headphones. Immersion promises to be exciting and long – two hours are devoted to the study of these large-scale worlds. Keep your body prepared and proceed aboard!

Featuring works by Astrovia, Derek Nigell, Lost-Radio, Rigel Centaurus, Tornfly, Vortex Mechanic, WMRI.

Conception, executive producer – Ian Gorboun Compilation, mixing – Alexander Girin Photography – Pia Bercic Design, artwork – Mike Winchester

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