The day was declining, and the sleepy Moon was slowly floating across the darkening sky, taking over the night watch. Its pale light was getting lost in the dense branches, and a mild, barely perceptible breeze was stirring up the tops of old firs in the dim silence of the mysterious forest. As a clear signal from the depths of the spinney the hooting of an owl has sounded... And then a wide swing of long hair reveals to us the face of a beautiful young girl. At the click of a button the flashlight emits a bright beam, and she, crossing the ravine with one jerk, bravely dives into the dark thicket towards the voice. Deftly overcoming thorny branches and obstacles on the way, she flies like the wind. Suddenly, a steeply cut forest palisade opens up with a large ideal circle of a green meadow with a huge ancient oak in the middle. The embers of the owl’s eyes burn in its black branches, and a grumpy cry is heard from all sides, as if imprisoned in the vastness of the meadow. The surrounding landscape is gradually getting covered with a white shimmering veil, and the clarity of dull edges gets replaced by blurred silhouettes and floating images, but only two hypnotic spheres filling with righteous anger are clearly visible, sending a silent question: “Who is so brazen daring to disturb my peace?”. The girl continues her impetuous, unswerving run through the cutting headwind, overcoming the damned haze that a mighty owl casts, whose eyes unfold like seething volcanic vents, covering half of the sky, and the scream turns into a thunderous roar. The girl makes the drastic leap, and at this moment the final strokes and outlines of the world fade away, and even two huge blazing suns dissolve in a shapeless gray kissel, pulling along the remnants of consciousness... Years will pass, and the matured girl will unexpectedly return to her native village, where she has long been considered missing. And then on a warm, starry evening, while celebrating her return, she will tell her incredible story about exciting and amazing adventures, and the insidious trials of a wise owl that had to be overcome in order to earn the right to have the desired gift of foresighting of the future. But that will be a whole different story...

The path to truth is thorny, passing through the palisade of mistakes and dead ends. In the old days, the people themselves became an obstacle in the way of scientific knowledge – the conservative blinkered masses, led by the blinded by religion mighty of this world. Teachings questioning God’s spark and giving a natural scientific interpretation had a high chance of being declared heresy with fatal consequences for the founders. Wandering dissolutely in the labyrinth of thoughts, scientists of the past moved by touch, mixing the scientific worldview with the occult in search of true meanings. The Church then possessed full power and law, thus the theological view of the essence of being was the defining criterion of Universal acceptance. For any phenomenon and confluence of circumstances, basically, should be interpreted as a divine plan. So, born in gloomy palaces, the Science of the Name of the Lord God revealed the impossible alchemy of holy faith and exact sciences, determining for a millennium ahead the fate of the Civilization of Noon.

Stark’s Pond is my field for electronic music experiments and my favorite brainchild. The style and sound of the new album is the result of the development of the project over 10 years of its existence. These tracks are free from drama, but still carry positive and melodic elements. The Stark’s Pond project does not adhere to any particular musical style and is difficult to genre classification, but this music is definitely euphonious and pleasant to listen to. In the new longplay there was a place not only for 'summer' tracks in the style of previous releases (Exp, Mahe Seaside 2.0), compositions with a dance rhythm (Motion, And the Mystery Remains), but also for leisurely deep tracks (A New Matter, Lost in the Woodz), as well as experimenting with style (I Never Dreamt, action movie Espionage, near-religious Not the Only One). After the endless icy and grueling winter of 2021, I want this music to breathe a warm spring-summer mood into listeners.

When events turn back and time itself moves in the reverse, when the Sun rises in the west, and the last morning stars become the first evening stars, then all knowledge about the world becomes useless. What remained only the property of memory comes back to life from nothing and becomes reality. Then the rivers flow back into the mountains, freeze and climb to the top with an avalanche. And the wind really blows because the trees are swaying! Right before our eyes, the building is being taken apart into bricks, and they, in turn, crumble into sand... What an obsession? Some kind of witchcraft! Or a mad scientist finally managed to create his hellish machine and decided to launch this universal paradox... And now, perhaps, the tangle of history will continue to spin in the opposite direction until it reaches a point in time when something needs to be radically changed. The gravity of that critical moment made all the clocks in the Universe go backwards... We have to find out and save the world... Once again...

Interest and curiosity are the most creative qualities of human nature. The vast majority of ingenious discoveries were made through inquisitiveness. In order to develop this useful property, it is very important to find, grope for oneself in life that special thing that excites, pleases and captivates. In the modern world, it is possible to look for oneself in the fields of artificial intelligence, electronics and robotics, space exploration and physics of the world order, which are at the forefront of scientific and engineering thought. At the same time, the need for the humanities is as great as ever in our unstable world. A person should begin the study of the world from himself, from the search for his place and purpose in this life. Then he will move, develop, and his life will be painted with bright colors. It is not so much the achievement of the goal or new discoveries that is important, but the striving for improvement and overcoming the path to knowledge. It’s important to get addicted and involved in the process! Take care of the details and subtleties, immerse in the affair with your head. You won’t regret it if you show curiosity and get carried away!

Change is the only constant in this world. Creation and destruction are just two qualities of one process, inevitably intertwined with each other. A grandiose representation of a world of changing forms unfolds throughout the universe, and this is white magic that generates life. The death of whole worlds happens, but also the birth of new ones from cosmic ash. We observe it with the naked eye, through a microscope and a telescope. What the different scales and speeds are indeed! But also cosmic processes cannot be understood without immersion in the secrets of the atom. At the same time, man as a species remains a mystery, although even the principles of the development of nuclear reactions and the Metagalaxy are clear. Changes in the external world at least can be contemplated objectively, while changes in oneself are sometimes experienced by a person as the destruction of the whole world... Our consciousness is apparently controlled by the same amazing and elusive white magic, as on any scale actually.

Leaning against the wall and closing your eyes, you feel that winter is already on the doorstep: and she has brought a casket of new stories along. A lazy dim light oozes through the frosty window, and the orphan, barely discernible shadow of an old spruce falls to the floor. You open the door and let in the bracing frosty air, enshrouding with an enchanting fragrance of freshness and novelty. Sparkling in the light, weightless snowflakes whirl and cover everything around with a sparkling fluffy blanket, as if inviting to start everything from scratch... Winter is calling outdoors, and there..! Strings of swift snowflake-dancers glide intertwining over soft contours of white dunes. Familiar objects take the form of bizarre sculptures that are lost in the kingdom of the blizzard. Ghostly silhouettes appear on the celestial screen in a format of absolute clarity that only Tsarina Nature can afford to work with. Welcome to the winter season!

Our lives are passing like water through fingers. We live each moment as if there is an eternity ahead, as if there is an entire ocean of life inside us and it will never end. We have neither time nor energy to stop and understand, realize our own life... By expanding our knowledge, we expand our capabilities, which means we expand our lives... Is human life really just a moment against the background of eternity? Is humanity really insignificant in its existence and its lives? What should happen to humanity, how should it expand its existence to the level of the Universe? We live in small joys, everyday life – happy and unhappy at the same time. We burn our lives and go into oblivion...

Born from the great Nothing, our universe is its reflection. How can a void have any device? However, having been born from Shunyata, the world bears her imprint, her likeness. From the depths of the atom to the human soul, everything is a fractal similarity of the Primordial ... And at the same time, Nothing remains and is more than real, while this world is only its phantom.

The world is changing. The world is changing rapidly. Even in the wildest fantasies, it was impossible to predict that it would happen that way. We have become different. Our life has transformed: we began to live by different rules, to make different decisions. But everything that has not changed, like déjà vu, pops up in memory and becomes so clear and frightening. We are adapting. We are adapting our life. Events go by like in a kaleidoscope, events that are meaningful, but incomprehensible and inexplicable. And there is not even time to look back and understand the meaning of what is happening. We are in a hurry. We are in an unrestrained hurry. We are in a hurry to adapt our life to what is happening. The world is changing rapidly and without any hope for the past!